USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
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We need you to weigh in on the Internal Combustion Engline ICE ban.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is trying to bypass the legislature to unilaterally enact a ban ( on selling new internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles as soon as 2026. This proposal ( would require vehicle manufacturers to make zero emission vehicles (ZEVs). Although the USW shares a vision of a cleaner future, we know it must have support for workers in impacting industries.
Let’s talk about the real impact of the ban.
This ban would lead to job loss and economic hardship for many workers in New Jersey – including our members. Banning these engines would have a significant impact on the refinery industry, one which is already struggling due to the pandemic and other factors. In addition, the auto supply chain industry would take a massive blow. This ban will be detrimental to our members and New Jersey communities and we need to speak up.
District 4 Director Dave Wasiura stated: “Our union supports reasonable and well-researched regulations to ensure that our shared environment and communities are protected. However, this proposal is far-reaching and recklessly hits the accelerator on the transition to Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEVs). As our union represents the majority of unionized workers in the oil sector and in the auto supply chain, we have grave concerns regarding this proposed policy’s impact on their livelihoods”.
Bottom Line: We oppose banning the sale of ICE vehicles in New Jersey. End of story.
Our union has pushed for these industries to adjust their processes to make our facilities safer, more dependable, and more environmentally sound. We know that is smart business, responsible, and provides a sound future. But we are keenly aware that the acceleration of a ban such as this would have devastating consequences for our members and other workers – not just in New Jersey, but across the nation.
The USW would welcome the opportunity to participate in a discussion surrounding this effort. We have no issue pulling up our chair at that table, but need you to help us get there.
We Have to Act Fast! Comments are due TODAY!
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is currently accepting public comments on the proposal, but that deadline is October 20. Please take a moment to click the link below to do so.
Click HERE to submit your comment.
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