Safety and Health of Our Members is Key


District 9 Safety and Health Trainers | Chattanooga, TN

Safety and health concerns of our members in the workplace is paramount to the success of USW District 9. Every year District 9 brings our safety-worker trainers in for enhancement education to keep them updated on the advancements in workplace hazard mapping.

These trainer education workshops are held prior to the regional trainings across District 9. Our District 9 trainers have been involved with revising the hazard mapping curriculum. They also regularly evaluate the annual “train the trainers” program and provide feedback to Ashlee Fitch and Diane Stein from the Union’s Tony Mazzochi Center.  

Trainers Calvin Bozeman, Eddie Sharpe, along with Ashlee Fitch and Diane Stein, held the year’s first class utilizing the revised Hazard Mapping Training in Chattanooga, TN, with nineteen members representing seven different locals. Over the next two months our Union’s Safety Trainers will conduct one day revised education at host locals throughout District 9.D9 Safety Training class


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