USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Progressive talk show host Leslie Marshall discussed the government shutdown and its impact on jobs, families and the economy with United Steelworkers (USW) International President Leo W. Gerard.
As the talked about the tactics of the GOP Gerard said “This is nothing more than, in normal terms, a criminal shake down. If this was going on somewhere else, this would be political extortion.”
The President has to not only consider the shutdown but has to take into consideration the fiscal stalemate and the looming debt. It appears the only concern of the Republicans and Tea Party is to play games and hold the country hostage.
“Why would you run for office to hurt your country?” said Gerard. “They ran because they don’t believe in government and they’d be willing to turn anything and everything over to the private sector.”
Click the audio to hear the discussion.
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