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As the ULP Lockout at ATI continues into its second month, solidarity remains strong at all 12 locked-out locations. Steelworkers at ATI locations all over the country are mobilizing, organizing, and taking action to build support and keep the pressure on ATI. From fundraisers to picnics to motorcycle rides, locked out Steelworkers and families are stepping up the fight for a fair contact on the picket lines, and in our communities.
Supporters of USW Local 1196 got together at the Do Drop Inn in Natrona Heights on September 14 for a benefit party. Local businesses and community groups donated prizes for a raffle and a silent auction while local bands provided entertainment.
On Wednesday, September 16, the Steelworkers Ride for Justice rolled into downtown Pittsburgh to pay a visit to ATI’s corporate headquarters. Around 100 Steelworkers and supporters rode from ATI facilities around Pennsylvania and Ohio to Pittsburgh. As Steelworkers on motorcycles ringed the building again and again the thunderous revving of the engines echoed back off the downtown buildings all the way up to ATI’s office suites.
Steelworkers local unions in Ohio and Pennsylvania headed out to community festivals to build support from neighbors. Members of USW Local 1138 staffed a tent at the 51st Annual Avonmore Parade and Festival, distributing signs and literature with information on the struggle on September 19th. The same day, Local 1046 in Louisville, Ohio spread the word about the fight for a fair contract at ATI leading the Louisville Constitution Festival Parade with their ‘Justice for All’ float featuring a giant Steelworker hardhat.
Locked out Steelworkers in Albany, Oregon took some time off the picket line to volunteer with the local community organization, FISH, shoveling sod and spreading bark dust. Jim Wright, a member of USW Local 7150 told the Albany Democrat-Herald that volunteering was their way of giving back to the community while they’re out of work. “We’re used to giving,” Wright said. “We don’t have money to give now, but we do have time and our backs.”
Families from USW Local 7139-5 came together on the picket line for a family rally in Washington, Pennsylvania on September 23 to show their support for the fight for a fair contract at ATI. More than 200 people showed up during the shift-change rally, while local union activists cooked dinner for locked out families on the line.
As more and more Steelworkers and supporters step up in incredible and inspiring ways to support the struggle for good jobs at ATI, we want to take a minute to recognize the picket line heroes who are going above and beyond on the picket lines, at the union halls and in the communities.
Do you know a picket line hero? Someone who is stepping up and filling in gaps? Taking on extra work? Providing encouragement and moral support to get through the fight? Nominate them to be recognized as a picket line hero!
Locked out Steelworkers aren’t on their own in the fight for a good jobs at ATI. Businesses like Maddio’s Pizza & Subs in Brackenridge, Pennsylvania are donating food and other supplies to picket lines. Other local unions and community supporters are mobilizing to support the fight. USW Local 1123 in Canton Ohio headed out to join Local 1046 on their picket line and at the Louisville Constitution Parade. And activists from Fight Back Pittsburgh, the Steelworkers Associate Member group in Pittsburgh, are organizing weekly trips from Pittsburgh to the picket lines around southwest Pennsylvania.
Local 1357 in New Bedford, Massachusetts received some official support from elected leaders. On September 24th, the New Bedford City Council unanimously passed a resolution in support of our fight for a fair contract, calling on the company to end the lockout and bargain a fair contract.
As ATI management holds its 3rd Quarter Earnings Call with investors on October 20, locked out Steelworkers and supporters plan to deliver petitions signed by thousands of supporters from around the country to ATI CEO Richard Harshman. Hold the date and make sure that you’ve added your voice to the fight for a fair contract at ATI by signing the online petition to ATI management.
As ATI’s misguided attack on Steelworker jobs and communities continues into the fall, USW members at ATI are stronger and more united than ever in our fight for a fair contract. Stay strong and safe; together we will last one day longer than ATI and win a fair contract!
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