Solvay Global Forum: Bringing Together Workers from Around the Globe

The Solvay Global Forum consists of eight union representatives from around the world and three Solvay management representatives. The trade union representatives come from labor organizations in Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea and the United States. The representative for the United States is Jeff Hill, a longtime leader and member of United Steelworkers Local 14200 in Marietta, Ohio. One of the Forum’s key objectives is to ensure that information on Solvay’s operations is communicated to all employees, hourly and salary, at all of the company’s work sites around the world. 

Establishing the Forum – Respect and Cooperation 

The Forum was established in the wake of the Global Framework Agreement (GFA) signed in 2013 between Solvay and IndustriALL, a global union federation which brings together more than 50 million union members from 140 countries, including unions such as the United Steelworkers, the United Auto Workers and the International Association of Machinists, all of which represent Solvay employees in the United States.

GFAs are designed to guarantee mutual respect and cooperation across a multinational’s world- wide operations and bind a company to respect international standards on labor rights and health, safety and environmental standards. 

Strengthening Communication – Improving Work Life 

The Forum meets face-to-face once a year in Brussels, Belgium and conducts three video conferences in-between. The Forum reviews Solvay’s operations from every angle, includ- ing financial results, investment plans and safety record. The Forum is coordinated by Albert Kruft, a trade union leader from Germany who also heads the Solvay European Works Council. Discussions also focus on the company’s priorities and its commitment to sustainability and diversity as well as a review of the Global Performance Sharing Plan. At the Forum meeting in March it was announced that the pay-for-performance pool would be expanded by more than 20% for 2016. The pay for performance program is a collective agreement signed by the Solvay Global Forum and Solvay’s CEO, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu.

Following the recent acquisition of Cytec, Solvay now has more than 31,000 employees worldwide, employed at 145 manufacturing sites spread over fifty-three countries. Fifty-seven of these sites are in North America which currently has the largest segment of Solvay’s operations. Solvay’s North American operations accounted for 26% of Solvay Group sales in 2015 and 27% of the company’s plants are based in North America. Cooperative relationships between management and hourly employees will be crucial to Solvay’s continued success in the vital North American market. 

Shared Prosperity – Dignity and Respect for Workers 

Jeff Hill, the North American representative to the Forum, believes that “the Solvay Global Fo- rum creates a two-way street where employees can learn more about the company’s global operations and make connections with their fel- low employees from every corner of the world, while also giving workers in North America an opportunity to voice their hopes and visions for the company’s future. The Global Forum can help the company prosper while ensuring that employees are treated with dignity and respect and share in the prosperity that they help generate.” 

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