Representatives from Local 9899 in Saginaw, Mich., took up a collection this winter in support of the area veterans hospital. Last week, they were able to donate nearly 100 pairs of socks.
Local President Jackie Anklam said the local plans to continue supporting the hospital and the effort to provide veterans – and especially homeless veterans – with personal items they may need, including deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, toothbrushes and toothpaste as well as gloves, hats and socks.
The Occupational Safety and Health Commission last week upheld a ruling and citation against Integra Health Management, finding that the home health care service committed a serious violation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
The case involved a 25-year old service coordinator who was assigned to a patient with schizophrenia and a history of violent criminal behavior. She told the company she was uncomfortable going to his home alone. On the third visit, the patient stabbed her to death on his front lawn.
The Commission found that workplace violence is a hazard under the OSH Act, that the company was aware of the hazard, and in failing to address the hazard, it had violated the act.
Though the case did not involve any USW members, the union filed an amicus brief in support of the case. An amicus brief is a legal document that provides information that may be helpful in making a decision. In this case, the USW was able to attest to the threat of violence health care workers face on the job.
To read more about the decision, click here.
Has your local done something outstanding? Have you had a great solidarity action? Done something huge to help your community? Made significant connections with other labor groups? Is your Women of Steel or Next Gen committee making waves? Tell us about it!
Contact Jess Kamm Broomell at or at 412-562-2446.
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Questions? Contact Jess Kamm Broomell at or at 412-562-2446.
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