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As the ULP lockout at ATI continues into its third month the 2,200 locked-out Steelworkers and their families are holding strong on the picket lines at all 12 sites. Locked out workers, family members, and community supporters are organizing to support each other through the lockout and mobilizing to keep the pressure on ATI management.
Steelworkers and supporters at ATI sites across the country are stepping up to support this struggle in amazing and inspiring ways. To recognize some of the incredible work that is being done, we invited locked out workers to nominate their Picket Line Heroes.
Picket line heroes aren’t just taking action on the picket line. This week we’re recognizing some picket line heroes who have been mobilizing for rallies, building support in our communities and providing some much-needed inspiration in a really tough time.
If you’ve been to a rally on a picket line or in downtown Pittsburgh, you’ve probably met Terry and Regina. They haven’t missed an action since ATI started its attack on our contract. Regina is an anchor of the Wives of Steel group that’s organized rallies, fundraisers, and family events to support the fight for a fair contract. Terry is a picket captain for Local 1138, taking shifts on the line and helping to organize rallies and other events.
Fight Back Pittsburgh is the Associate Member Organization of the Steelworkers in Pittsburgh. Since the start of the contract fight, Fight Back Pittsburgh activists have been mobilizing for actions and other events. The group has been organizing weekly delegations to different picket lines around southwest Pennsylvania and on November 7th, Fight Back Pittsburgh organized a bus tour visiting picket lines in Brackenridge, Natrona Heights, Vandergrift, Latrobe, and Washington. And of course no picket line tour would be complete without delivering pizzas from Maddios and Mama Cheez to the picket lines in Brackenridge and Washington!
Members of Local 7150 in Albany, Oregon have been on the picket lines for almost four months and they and their families are facing some of the most challenging times of their lives. But they’re being inspired by a young girl who’s facing an even tougher challenge—Keelie Curran. Keelie was diagnosed with leukemia when she was just three and a half years old. Now she’s five and she’s still fighting the cancer. Her courage and strength in the face of such a challenging time makes her a great role model and inspiration to the members of USW Local 7150.
As part of the Local 7150 Gives Back campaign, members of Local 7150 are organizing a fundraiser for Keelie on November 21 at the Calapooia Brewing Company. If you’re in the area come out to the fundraiser to meet this real hero!
While most kids wanted to dress up as monsters or their favorite super heroes for Halloween, Caleb saw the holiday as an opportunity to spread the word about the lockout and build community support. This Steelworker kid put on a sign saying ‘Locked Out USW Member. Will Work for Candy,’ and dressed as a locked out union member for Halloween. Caleb’s dad Don Coy is a locked out member of USW Local 1138 from Bagdad, PA.
Do you know a Picket Line Hero? Someone who is stepping up and filling in gaps? Taking on extra work? Providing encouragement and moral support to get through the fight?
Nominate them to be recognized as a Picket Line Hero!
Click here to send a photo and a brief explanation of why you think they’re a picket line hero so we can recognize your heroes for the great work they are doing!
In Solidarity,
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