U.S. Steel Seeking Significant Changes to Contract Language

U.S. Steel Seeking Significant Changes to Contract Language

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(August 7) – Although U.S. Steel has yet to offer our USW bargaining committee a full proposal on contract language, the company has provided us with a summary of changes that it intends to propose. As a whole, these changes would represent a significant step backward for all of us.

The changes the company is seeking include reductions in vacation pay, elimination of vacation bonuses and increases in vacation eligibility requirements. The company also is proposing to strip union workers of bidding rights, normal scheduling rights and overtime pay after eight hours.

U.S. Steel also is seeking to modify our full-day and full-week guarantees to only four hours per day and 32 hours per week, increase severance pay eligibility requirements and increase the length of our probationary periods.

The company is also proposing to make the following changes to our contract language:

  • Reductions to Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SUB)
  • Modification of Preferencing Agreements
  • Elimination of Layoff Minimization Plan requirements
  • Modification of Justice & Dignity (J&D) to discharges only
  • Modifications to the current MOU manning levels and contracting out language 

Our contract language committee is reviewing all of the information the company has provided, while pressing them for more specifics so that we can develop productive responses. We will continue to keep members updated as we receive this information – please stay in touch with your CAT coordinator for more details as we continue to work toward a fair agreement.

In Solidarity,

Your 2015 U.S. Steel Bargaining Committee


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