USW Cares: USW Local 486G Demonstrates Concern for a Better Community

Local 486G of District 9 located in Winder, Georgia is proactive relative to the community and works hard to demonstrate to the community our members concern for a better community.  

One such way that this is demonstrated is through the “Adopt A Highway” program.   The Local adopted Barrow County Road and recently picked up more than 10 bags of litter.   

“This is our community and we care about it” stated Local Union President David Foy.    “We bring a lot of revenue to our community through our wages at the plant, that the USW and our members helped us achieve” said Joel Gardner, Financial Secretary of the Local, “helping to preserve it through this program is right thing to do and what we stand for in giving back to the community”.   

Local 486G is located in Winder, Georgia just Northeast of Atlanta, Georgia and represents the John Mansfield Company.  

“We are proud of the work of Local 486G in the “Its Wrong Not to Belong” internal organizing program” indicated Daniel Flippo, Director of USW District 9 “their activism in the community is just another example of the good work our members do each and every day.”

This project is just one of so many USW’s amazing members do every day to give back to our communities. If you or your local are doing good things in your community, we want to hear about them. Let us know and share video and photos at and use the #USWCares hashtag when you post your stories on social media. Don’t forget to shout out @Steelworkers!

Pictured are from left to right: David Foy-President, Michael Helean-Trustee, Gary Johnson-Guard, Joel Gardener-Financial Secretary, Laverne Harris-Trustee and Lori Lay-Recording Secretary.



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