USW Local 1211 Recognizes the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights

charlie award

At their annual holiday gathering on December 18, the Officers of United Steelworkers Local 1211 were joined by District 10 Director Bobby “Mac” McAuliffe when they presented a $2,000 donation to Charlie Kernaghan and Barbara Briggs to help continue the important work of the Global Labour and Human Rights Institute. 

ghlrThe Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights (the Institute) is a non-profit human rights organization dedicated to the promotion and defense of internationally recognized worker rights in the global economy. The research, in-depth reports, high profile public campaigns and widespread media coverage have been instrumental in creating the anti-sweatshop movement in the United States and internationally.

Charles Kernaghan has been the director of the Institute since 1981 and has worked tirelessly to stop child labor and protect worker rights. His latest study “Dirty Toys Made in China” unveils the sweatshop conditions Chinese workers are forced to endure to live.

dirty toys


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