USW Local 449 Women of Steel Help Members in Need

USW Local Union 449 members operate and maintain the Huhtamaki Food Service plant in Waterville, ME. The Local has an active and growing Women of Steel (WOS) effort that assists members who may be out of work due to illness or other reasons beyond their control.

Most recently they organized to sell Valentine’s flowers and held a raffle to raise money for a member who was out of work due to illness. WOS members sold the flowers at plant as they left work on Valentine’s Day so they could take the flowers home to their sweethearts. The effort raised over $700.00.  

Local UNion 449 President Lee Drouin said “The effort extended by all of the ladies in the Women of Steel group has been very helpful for our members who needed help. This latest effort is only one of a number of fund raisers that they have done. Every time they do this they make a real difference in someone’s life and the recipient is extremely thankful. I want to personally thank our ladies in the Women of Steel effort and commend them for their desire to extend a helping hand to their fellow workers.”

Involved in the latest effort were: Johnna Roderick, the Women of Steel Coordinator for Local 449, Kim Holt, Jodi Knox, Kathy Wallace and Bodi Spencer.  Great job Ladies!


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