USW Made: American Valve and Hydrant A Vision for Success

With the commencement of a very successful Health, Safety and Environment Conference, the work of saving lives never ends for our union. We would like to give a shout out to Local 13-243 out of Beaumont, Texas, where approximately 950 Brothers and Sisters at American Valve and Hydrant help make our communities safer on a daily basis by making fire hydrants that protect our neighborhoods and cities. American Valve & Hydrant is a leading manufacturer of quality water works products and “provides quality products from a quality company” with the hard work of USW members.

The company’s vision that is shared by their employees is: through customer and shareholder satisfaction by producing quality products, providing quality service, and operating the organization safely, efficiently, and profitably through continuous improvement.

They feel their vision for the company, the employees and their community will become a reality if they…

  • Practice the principles found in the Golden Rule.
  • Achieve and maintain excellence.
  • Are honest, ethical and fair in all dealings.
  • Set goals and achieve them.
  • Practice teamwork.
  • Nurture personal and professional growth of all employees.
  • Improve the quality of life of employees and the community.
  • Are loyal to the company and to each other.
  • Encourage new ideas and creative thinking.
  • Involve employees in the decision making process.
  • Share the benefits of improvement.
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