USW Members Stand with Clinton

USW members took center stage in the 2016 presidential campaign on Monday, with Steelworkers introducing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton at rallies in Columbus, Ohio, and Detroit, and turning out for both events with full-throated support.

In Detroit, Jim Allen, president of Local 1299, helped kick off Clinton’s speech at Wayne State University by reminding the crowd that while Republican nominee Donald Trump talks a lot about helping workers, he has spent his life actively working against them.

“Donald Trump represents everything that’s wrong with our economy and our rigged system, from not paying his taxes to making his products overseas,” Allen said. “This costs jobs and hurts communities and families.”

At Ohio State University in Columbus, Local 979 member Tony Panza said Clinton, by contrast, had spent her life working to make life better for everyday Americans.

“We can trust Hillary to fight for us and for an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top,” Panza said. “She has a real plan to create jobs.”

The two rallies were Clinton’s first public appearances following her second debate on Sunday with her Republican opponent.

Clinton blasted Trump over recent reports showing that the billionaire real estate magnate has used Chinese-made steel and aluminum in at least two of his most recent building projects.

“Trump had no answer when confronted about the report that he’s been buying cheap Chinese steel for his construction projects, instead of American-made steel that supports good American jobs,” she said. “He claimed to be on the side of workers … and the whole time he was hiding the truth.”



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