USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Update #11 September 1, 2015
Click here to download a PDF of this handbill to distribute in your plant
As you know, our contracts with ArcelorMittal expire at 11:59 p.m. tonight, and our committee has chosen to remain at the table and continue to negotiate rather than return to our plants.
All USW members should continue reporting for work as scheduled. We have offered to continue working under the existing terms and conditions while negotiations proceed, subject to a minimum of 48-hours’ notice if the union decides to strike and the company has agreed.
Working under the existing terms and conditions of an expired agreement is not the same as a contract extension, but demonstrates good faith while negotiations proceed and at least temporarily averts a labor dispute.
Remember that above all, we must stay focused on working safely and watching out for the safety of our coworkers. Please review and adhere to the safety procedures established in your area and speak up if you have concerns.
We are proud of the unity and solidarity demonstrated by the membership throughout this long process.
We need to continue to send the message to management that we are committed to negotiating fair contracts throughout the industry and will not allow them to use the current market as an excuse to gut our agreements or create hardship for our retirees.
Our unity and solidarity in the coming days will make a huge difference at the bargaining table, and we urge your continued participation in our campaign for a fair contract.
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