USW Cares: Local Union 6992 in District 4 Raises Money for Cancer Research

USW Union Local 6992 in Tonawanda, NY, held its second annual golf tournament benefiting Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Local businesses sponsored holes on the golf course and made donations. Members also held a 50/50 raffle during the tournament, making the event a hole-in-one.

Local 6992 donated more than $6,000 to the Cancer Institute in Buffalo, NY, one of the top 10 leading cancer centers in the Nation, where it will be used to help doctors better understand, prevent and cure cancer.

For the members of this local, cancer research seemed like an exceedingly worthy cause, being that it is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.

Daniel Parker Jr, a member of Local 6992, spearheaded the event last year. The tournament brought local members together for a day of fun in support of an amazing cause – they raised more than $5,500 which prompted the local to make it an annual occurrence.  

“We plan to do it again next year in hopes of building on what we have been able to accomplish in the past two years”, said Gary Guralny, President of Local 6992.

This project is just one of the many our union’s amazing members do every day to give back to our communities. If you or your local is doing good things in your community, we want to hear about them. Share your story with us at and don’t forget to use the #USWCares hashtag when you post your stories on social media.


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