USW’s Gerard Wants McDonalds to Supersize Workers’ Wages

Progressive talk show host Leslie Marshall discussed with United Steelworkers (USW) International President Leo W. Gerard about how companies like McDonalds and Wal-Mart, who are making hefty profits as they pay their workers pitiful wages while they stick average American tax payers with subsidizing the payroll.

They discussed how the McDonalds folks and the CEO put out a make-believe budget to survive on the minimum wage. What the budget suggested was for people to have two jobs. It failed to factor in food and meaningful health care. (They budgeted in $20 a month for health care)

There is something terribly wrong here … or you’re over medicated if you actually think people can get health care for $20 a month,” said Gerard.

He spoke about some of the budget work being done and how the numbers jumped out at you. Using the average Wal-Mart store as an example, he explained how the workers are subsidized by the federal government to the tune of about $1.7 million dollars per store.

“What it ends up doing is showing, Leslie, totally and completely, that the current minimum wage is inadequate,” said Gerard. “It doesn’t even bring people above poverty. If we extrapolate over the last 25 years and if the minimum wage had just kept pace with inflation, it would be close to $10.75 now

No matter how many times Democrats bring this issue up, Republicans always fight this to protect companies and the campaign  dollars provided by big corporations.

To hear more of the conversation, click the audio below.


Here’s Leo’s recent blog on working at McDonalds followed by A budget for a McD worker

Other materials for boosting the minimum wage/paying workers more:

Economists In Support Of A $10.50 U.S. Minimum Wage

Is $15 an Hour a Fair Wage for Serving Fast Food? 

The American Dream Is Built on Fair Wages 

Minimum wage arguments and the Henry Ford model

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