WNYLaborToday.com – Your On-Line Labor Newspaper

As a long-time supporter, United Steelworkers District 4 has been provided With Special Subscriber Log-In Information for www.WNYLaborToday.com – Western New York’s On-Line Labor Newspaper – which our membership can use Free of Charge to take full advantage of an array of labor news offered by this Buffalo-based labor news media outlet.

When logging in, please use the following:

Username: uswd4@uswd4.com (lower case)

Password: USWD4 (ALL CAPS)

Just to let you know, WYNLaborToday.com has registered more than 30 million page views since it launched its on-line labor newspaper back in April 2008 and has published more than 5,000 labor news stories over that time – as many as 20 labor news stories per week.  WNYLaborToday.com has viewers/readers from across western New York, New York state and the nation – and has upgraded its local labor news coverage to include a labor news tv program that airs off its front page.  Western New York labor news… now! Provides organized labor, unions and their members the opportunity to get their message out unimpeded and for great lengths of time.

Again – any USW District 4 member can use this information to take advantage of what WNYLaborToday.com offers.

With the continuing attacks on unions and their members, and the fact the labor movement must continue to work to inform and educate our members, it’s my hope our membership will take the time to visit WNYLaborToday.com. 

I am amazed to see the great number of labor news published there, much of which I cannot find anywhere else.


In Solidarity,

John Shinn
USW District 4 Regional Director


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