Women of Steel Coordinator Locked Up Supporting MDA

Dessa Pentecost mugshot

USW Local 12L member and Women of Steel Coordinator at WinSouth Credit Union Dessa Pentecost supports her local all the way to jail.

Muscular Dystrophy Jail that is. 

Pentecost became a jailbird April 7, 2016 during the Gadsden, Alabama Muscular Dystrophy Association event at the Gadsden Museum of Art. Local police took Dessa away until bail was made an hour later. Through her hard work Pentecost raised $886.00 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s research and assistance to kids and adults living with with muscular dystrophy, ALS and related muscle-debilitating diseases.

Good job Dessa!

Dessa Pentecost bailed out of MDA Jail.


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