Workers Seek Negotiations


By Stephanie Hintz – reporter, Courtesy of the Clintonville Chronicle

CLINTONVILLE – More than 100 union workers at Seagrave Apparatus, LLC in Clintonville have taken to a public demonstration nearly every day in the past work week, vocally expressing their concerns over their dissatisfaction over recent contract changes.

“What do we want?” chanted marching workers who took to the sidewalks outside the historic headquarters following the conclusion of first shift.

“Fair contract!” answered the workers loud and firm. “When do we want it? Now!” they repeated while carrying signs in support of their efforts.

United Steelworkers (USW) District Two, where the Local 815 falls under is comprised of workers from both Wisconsin and Michigan, and stands for unity and strength for workers.

According to USW, the importance of having a union means workers can collectively meet and negotiate with management regarding issues including wages, benefits and working conditions.

USW states that union contracts are legally binding documents where agreements are put into writing and aim to help workers and management make their companies stronger, more prosperous and a better place to work.

Union rights, even on company property enable workers to distribute union flyers and other information in non-work areas during lunch breaks, wear union-endorsed clothing and the right to petition with other co-workers to protest unfair treatment and demand improvements in wages, hours and working conditions.

They may also file complaints against their company. Section 7 in the United States National Labor Relations

Act states, “Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representation of their own choosing and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining.”

The USW advises it’s union workers that their employers cannot favor employees who oppose the union and cannot ask them their opinion of the union. They also cannot fire, lay-off, discipline, harass or reassign workers for supporting a union.

The United States National Labor Relations Act Section 8 (a) states that, “It shall be unfair labor practices for an employer to interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise in rights guaranteed in Section 7.”

Seagrave Fire Apparatus is touted as the longest running fire apparatus manufacturer in America. The company, whose product is the pride and mascot of Clintonville as well as the Clintonville School District specializes in pumper and rescue units as well as aerial towers.

The social media site, YouTube is chock full of happy Seagrave customers, municipalities and truck owners from all over the country who boast the quality of their Seagrave trucks as well as the love they have for their older, retired units.

Officials at Seagrave remain tight-lipped regarding the recent dissent among its union workers and have not returned media inquiries to the Clintonville Chronicle and have yet to confirm or deny allegations of changes to contracts that workers deem unfair


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