Obamacare Keeps Getting Better and Better

The CBO projects that subsidies to Obamacare would require $164 billion less than had been thought a few weeks ago.   Several metrics have served as input to this more optimistic forecast. Premiums, especially early on, are slated to be lower than previously projected: At one point, CBO estimated that premiums would rise on average by about $100 in 2015. Now the Office still thinks these costs will go up, but much more slowly than had been imagined.

Here’s a laundry list of what contributes to the CBO’s estimate:

  • a healthier enrollment population in 2015
  • a smaller under-65 population
  • rising medical costs
  • the make-up of the Obamacare plans, with narrower provider networks and lower provider payments than their counterparts in the large-group market

All told, the law is projected to cost $104 billion less over 10 years than CBO’s February 2014 estimate.  Couple that with the fact that enrollment exceeded any expectations, coming in at a whopping 7.5 million.  It looks like the Affordable Care Act is going to join Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in the pantheon of legislation far-righties love to hate.


Michele Petrovsky is the Webmaster at Tools4Change, Author of “Cathedral or Bazaar?  Fix Higher Education – Teach by the Seat of Your Pants ,”  “Donkey Dharma,” and “Quick Guide to Linux.” Petrovsky resides in Glen Mills, Pa.


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