Granite City Rally to Push for Rebuilding American Manufacturing


Contact: Dave Dowling 618-452-1130 (office), 618-670-6811 (cell),

Who:   A coalition of Labor and Community Groups in the Granite City, Ill., area are coming together in
          a demonstration to restore American jobs by investing in American manufacturing

What:  Miles of large diameter steel pipe made in India, destined for use in the Keystone Pipeline being
           built by TransCanada from the oil fields of Alberta, Canada to the Conoco-Phillips refinery in Wood
           River, Ill., are being unloaded from nearby railroad cars and transferred to tractor trailers at a time
           when some 2,000 workers at USS Steel are laid off from the adjacent steel mill. 

Where: Port Authority at River’s Edge
           The location was formerly the Granite City Army Depot/Melvin Price Support Center.
           Illinois Highway 3 and Neidringhaus Ave.
           Granite City, Illinois
           Enter the River’s Edge from Highway 3, make immediate left turn, and follow the signs.

When:  11:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why:    The Rally will call for an end to the public policy of the past 30 years that has led to the willful
           dismantling of the industrial and manufacturing base of the American economy and the resultant
           loss of millions of decent, middle-class supporting jobs.  Participants at the Rally will demand a
           new policy that emphasizes the development of new energy technologies and the desperately
           needed investment in our economy’s infrastructure utilizing American-made manufactured products.

* Photo opportunities and interviews *

  • Union members will carry signs and banners with ‘Buy American’ slogans and ‘Rebuild American Manufacturing’
  • Public figures, union leaders and laid off workers will be available for interviews.

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