International Unions Announce “Global Week of Action” Against Vale


SUDBURY, 23 March 2010 – Dozens of union leaders from around the world will join with leaders of the United Steelworkers in declaring a “Global Week of Action” in response to the aggressive tactics of Vale Inco in Canada.

Following a very successful rally and march yesterday (March 22nd) of over 5,000 participants, and a focused international meeting of union leaders today, the international leadership unanimously agreed to call for the joint “week of action” to demonstrate their disgust at the behaviour of Vale Inco during the eight-month strike.

WHAT:    Union Leaders from Around the World Announce a “Global Week of Action” against Vale.

WHO:     International Union Leaders, including from:
               • Brazil, Indonesia, Australia, Mozambique, Germany, Switzerland
               • The International Federation of Unions (ICEM)
               • The International Metalworkers Federation (IMF)
               • Leadership of the United Steelworkers

WHEN:    Tuesday, March 23, 2010       12:30 p.m.

WHERE:  Days Inn, Conference Room A, (117 Elm St.  Sudbury Ont)

Contacts:   Myles Sullivan, 675 2461 x224,   
                Doug Olthuis, 416-859-9963,  
                Jamie West, 705-562-8060,

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