More than 400 USW watch parties planned to celebrate historic Obama speech

USW Members to Gather Nationwide to Watch Obama Speech

(Pittsburgh, PA) — Steelworkers across the United States – and even in Canada — will host “watch parties” tonight in their homes and in union halls as Sen. Barack Obama accepts the Democratic Party’s nomination for president.

More than 400 parties are planned, from Minersville, Pennsylvania, to San Antonio, Texas, to celebrate the acceptance speech by the candidate endorsed by the largest industrial union in the U.S., with more than 850,000 members.

To locate a party, call Meghan McClincy at the Steelworkers, 412-562-1169 or 724-493-8464.

What:   Watch Parties

When:  Thursday, Aug. 28

Where: Homes and Union halls across America

Who:    Hosted by steelworkers

Why:    To celebrate Sen. Barack Obama accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for president

Photo and Interview Opportunities Available

Contact: Meghan McClincy at 412-562-1169 or 724-493-8464

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