N.J. Merck Workers and Allies to Hold Plant-Gate Rally to Protest Company Layoffs

Union seeking fair labor agreement from pharmaceutical giant

Rahway, N.J. – Union workers from Merck Co.’s large research and development facility here will hold an afternoon plant-gate rally on Monday to protest company demands for layoffs of up to 179 workers.

The rally against layoffs, which will include statements from local leaders and informational picketing on the sidewalk, will take place on Monday, March 16, from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. at the Merck plant gate near the intersection of Scott and Montgomery Sts., Rahway.

Management at Merck is seeking the right to subcontract “pool” jobs at the 100-year-old New Jersey facility; jobs currently held by 179 workers. Many workers who would be affected are high-seniority, and include a high number of women, African-American and Hispanic workers, said Debby Eannucci, chief steward for United Steelworkers (USW) Local 4-575, which represents 480 workers at the Rahway facility.

Eannucci said, “Management wants to contract out this important work, lay off the current employees and bring in low-paid, non-union workers to do the jobs. The members of our union are saying ‘No Way!’”

USW Local 4-575 President Jim Conway said he’s been in touch with local political leaders about the potential impact of the company’s planned layoff. He said, “People who live here, business owners and everyone else is beginning to realize what a serious impact these proposed layoffs by Merck would have on our communities. We feel this proposal by the company to cut jobs is unjustified, and we’re going to do everything we can to stop it.”

USW Vice President Fred Redmond said Merck announced this week plans to acquire rival drug company Schering-Plough Corp. The merger is being financed by investment bankers that have received billions in TARP bailout money intended to spur job and economic growth. Redmond said, “It’s outrageous that Merck is using bailout money to buy up a rival company and at the same time slash jobs for longtime workers. That’s not what the bank bailout money is supposed to do. If the company claims to be ‘belt-tightening,’ why is Merck’s CEO giving himself a fat raise up to $17.3 million dollars for one year?”

USW members vow to mount a strong campaign in defense of the jobs in Rahway. Already, union workers at other Merck plants around the country are wearing stickers to work that read “Fighting for Our Jobs!” simultaneous with Monday’s rally in Rahway. The long standing Merck Inter-Union Council which includes Rahway workers along with USW-represented employees in West Point, Pa., UNITE-HERE and UFCW members at Elkton, VA, are also coordinating efforts with the UFCW and IAM locals at Schering-Plough. More activities are being planned leading up to the April 30 contract expiration and beyond if necessary.

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