Occidental Petroleum on Trial in Colombia Tribunal: Steelworkers Demand Justice

Media Advisory

Editors note: This advisory is also available in Spanish.

Los Angeles — A demonstration is being held outside of the Occidental Petroleum headquarters on July 22 to highlight a public hearing in Bogota by a people’s tribunal that’s hearing charges of murders and death threats against union leaders involving the company’s alleged complicity.

Democratic congressional leaders have been holding up approval of the U.S. — Colombia Free Trade Agreement, pending more evidence by Colombia’s government for the arrest and conviction of paramilitaries and others behind the killings of outspoken union leaders in that country.

Occidental Petroleum and other multinational corporations operating in Colombia are being judged by a Popular Peoples’ Tribunal — “Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos (TPP) — taking place in Bogota, July 22-23. The tribunal will expose these corporations for their alleged participation in illegal actions aimed at silencing labor unionists and community activists – and in some cases leading to murder with impunity.

Occidental Petroleum’s presence and support for the armed forces in Arauca has helped to fuel and exacerbate the civil war in that region. The company reportedly financed the Colombian ‘18th Army Brigade,’ which has committed numerous atrocities, including the August 2004 murder of three union leaders in cold blood.

Labor leaders in Colombia continue to be murdered with impunity.  Since Colombia President Alvaro Uribe took office five years ago, convictions have been reported in 59 trade union homicide cases, an average of less than one per month. Of the 59 convictions, only 22 are for the more than 400 murders committed since 2002.

The USW represents 100 workers employed at Occidental Petroleum and Occidental Chemical.

WHAT:  Demonstration in support of the Peoples’ Tribunal in Colombia. The news media will get copies of a letter being delivered to Occidental Petroleum and signatures will be collected on a petition to send to members of Congress. Visuals include banners and placards, bullhorns and about 50 protestors.

WHEN: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 — 10 a.m. (Pacific Time)

WHERE: Occidental Petroleum headquarters; 10889 Wilshire Blvd.;   Los Angeles

WHO: Dave Campbell, USW Local 675, Moderator
          Gerardo Cajamarca, Colombian trade union activist living in exile in the U.S.
          Atossa Soltani, Amazon Watch
          Nativo Lopez, Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamerica,
          Dee Dominguez, Taino band of Native Americans (tentative)

(Members of California’s congressional delegation have been invited to provide support statements).

USW leaders are available for advance interviews upon request, and interviews can be arranged by calling Gary Hubbard at o) 202-778-4384, c) 202-256-8125.  For more information on the USW’s opposition to the Colombia FTA and campaign against human rights violations in Colombia: www.usw.org/.

For more information, contact: 
Chris Youngmark, USW, 505-878-9756;  505-270-2524; cyoungmark@usw.org
Dave Campbell, USW,  310-522-2276;  310-292-4839; dcampbell@usw675.or

Additional Downloadable PDF Documents:

Letter To The President Of Occidental Petroleum

Discover The Real Colombia

USLEAP Colombia Fact Sheet

The Permanent People’s Tribunal Flyer – In English

The Permanent People’s Tribunal – en español

July 22 Protest Flyer – en español



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