United Steelworkers Union Reaches Tentative Agreement with Domtar

Membership to Vote on Agreement May 7

Contact:  Jon Geenen, USW Intl. VP, (o) 920-722-1085
              Leeann Anderson, USW Domtar Bargaining Chair, (o) 412-562-2282

Pittsburgh, Pa.–An umbrella master agreement reached between the United Steelworkers Union (USW) and Domtar that covers economic and job security issues will be voted on by 4,000 members at 10 Domtar facilities on May 7.

“This tentative umbrella master agreement further moves our national paper bargaining program forward,” said USW International President Leo W. Gerard. “If ratified, it provides job and economic security for our members in a time of constant change within the paper industry.”

The agreement includes a successorship clause that protects workers’ jobs and contract if a Domtar facility is sold.

“Our members’ bargaining power would be enhanced by this umbrella agreement, which is a result of their solidarity and activism,” said USW International Vice President Jon Geenen.

“This agreement shows the strength of our membership,” said Leeann Anderson, USW Domtar bargaining chair and assistant to the international president.” “The Domtar and affected Weyerhaeuser locals convened with USW International leaders to discuss strategic options even before Weyerhaeuser’s sale of its fine paper division to Domtar was final.”

The Domtar Council of Local Unions Committee unanimously recommended that the umbrella agreement be voted on by the membership. In order for the umbrella agreement to be ratified, a majority of those voting have to approve it. The contract would cover the following locations: Ashdown, Ark.; Hawesville, Ky.; Owensboro, Ky.; Woodland, Maine; Port Huron, Mich.; Plymouth, N.C.; Johnsonburg, Pa.; Kingsport, Tenn.; Nekoosa, Wisc., and Rothschild, Wisc.

The USW is the largest industrial union in North America, representing more than 850,000 members, including some 130,000 paper workers. Domtar is a manufacturer of business papers, commercial printing and publication, technical and specialty papers.




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