USW Launches Organizing Campaign at University of Pittsburgh

Faculty, Graduate Employees Seek to Improve Working and Learning Conditions

News Advisory

Contact: Tony Montana, (412) 562-2592,
             Maria Somma, (412) 562-1992,

PITTSBURGH – The United Steelworkers (USW) on Tues., Jan. 26, 2016, will sponsor a 10:30 a.m. news conference at the JobLinks office at 294 Semple St. for full and part-time faculty and graduate employees of the University of Pittsburgh to discuss their ongoing campaign to improve working conditions for instructors and learning conditions for students by organizing and bargaining collectively for union representation.

Speakers at the event will include Hillary Lazar, a Pitt graduate employee, Peter Campbell, an assistant professor, and Kai Pang, representing the Pitt chapter of United Students against Sweatshops, who will provide a statement of support on behalf of the university’s undergraduate student population.

The USW currently represents part-time instructors at Robert Morris and Point Park University, where more than 300 part-time instructors ratified their first collective bargaining agreement in October 2015.

ATTN ASSIGNMENT/EDITORS: Photo Opportunities, Interviews

WHO:       Full and part-time Pitt faculty and graduate employees

WHAT:     News conference to discuss ongoing organizing campaign for university instructors

WHEN:     10:30 a.m., Tues., Jan. 26, 2016

WHERE:   JobLinks office, 294 Semple St., Pittsburgh, PA, 15213

The USW represents 850,000 men and women employed in metals, mining, pulp and paper, rubber, chemicals, glass, auto supply and the energy-producing industries, along with a growing number of workers in public sector and service occupations.

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