USW Members, Retirees to Altmire: Sitting In Until You Stand Up for Us

CONTACT: Connie Mabin, USW, or 724-601-5282

ALIQUIPPA, Pa. – Dozens of local United Steelworkers (USW) members and retirees are sitting in the Aliquippa office of Pennsylvania Rep. Jason Altmire today to urge the Congressman to change his vote for health insurance reform.

The working men and women and retirees represent the voters in Altmire’s district and across the nation who desperately want and need health insurance reform to pass so that our economy can get back in track. Reform will cut costs, save jobs, help our seniors and provide coverage for tens of millions of uninsured – may of them hard-working folks who despite having jobs cannot afford insurance.

“We busted our humps working for Jason Altmire and many other politicians who time and time again promise us that they’ll work for us and working families across America. We are tired of the broken promises. We helped Congressman Altmire win this seat because he vowed he would vote for health insurance reform. We’re here today urging him to keep that promise,” said Rick Galiano, president of USW Local 9305 in Beaver Falls, Pa.

“Our communities, our members and our retirees need real health insurance reform. We all know no bill is perfect but this is a historic first step that we must take. Too many people are suffering, even dying because they don’t have health insurance,” said Mike Sabat, also of USW Local 9305. “We stood up for Jason Altmire when he needed us most. Now we’re sitting in until he stands up for us.”

Marion Prasjner, president of the Aliquippa chapter of the Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees, or SOAR, said seniors have endured a long, confusing, often ugly debate about health reform but ultimately understand now is the time for change.

“We talk to retirees every day. We live in this community. We’re the church leaders, the volunteers, the voters. We know seniors want health insurance reform that helps them get medicine without sacrificing food or other needs. We want Congressman Altmire to truly represent his district and vote for reform.”

Bernie Hall, president of Local 8183 in Beaver County, Pa., said USW members and retirees will remember come election time who stood for them. “This sit in symbolizes not only our passion for health insurance reform but our frustration with politicians who repeatedly choose corporate special interests and TV talk show hysteria over the working families who elected them. We’ve simply had enough.”

Andrew Harkvlich, president of USW Local 1660 in Mercer County, Pa., said he’s talked to fellow members, friends, neighbors and others who are disappointed with Altmire’s decision. “I remember like yesterday working for candidate Altmire and he said he would go to bat for us on health care and other issues. Today, my members and I feel betrayed,” Harkvlich said.

Several religious leaders joined the sit in, offering moral support and prayer.

“We need to be urgent and vigilant in challenging Jason’s decision,” said the Rev. Don Green of McCandless, Pa. “We have a responsibility to care for each other, especially those who are most vulnerable and in need.”

The USW represents 850,000 workers in the U.S., Canada and Caribbean employed in the industries of metals, rubber, chemicals, paper, oil refining and the service sector. For more information:


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