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Pittsburgh (Aug. 26, 2009) – Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers (USW) today issued this statement on the passing of U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy.
“The nation and our union’s members have lost a great leader in the U.S. Senate who gave voice as the workers’ champion with a legacy that benefited social and economic justice for all.
Sen. Edward Kennedy led the fight for the Employee Free Choice Act
and for all legislation benefiting working families.
“Senator Kennedy fought for us through nearly five decades and authored more than 2,500 bills — beginning in the sixties for civil and voter rights, and ending with his last vote on President Obama’s economic recovery plan. He never wavered in his support of working families and left his imprint on every major piece of social legislation to pass Congress during his years in the Senate.
“Today jobless workers have access to COBRA, entry-level workers get an improved minimum wage, millions of children have access to healthcare, the family medical leave act, and pension security are among his legislative achievements.
“But his work is unfinished for the Employee Free Choice Act and the Affordable Health Choices Act – bills he introduced in the current Congress.
“We need to fulfill Senator Kennedy’s quest to make America a better place and commit ourselves to winning healthcare for all and congressional passage of legislation that secures the path of worker rights to a union.”
Contact: Gary Hubbard, 202-778-4384, 202-256-8125,
Sen. Kennedy’s Accomplishments
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