USW Says Jobs Report Makes Action Urgent by Congress on Manufacturing

Urges President Obama, Congress to Pass Employee Free Choice Act for Workers

Contact: Gary Hubbard, 202-778-4384; or 202-256-8125

Pittsburgh – (Apr. 3) – Leo W. Gerard, International President, United Steelworkers (USW) made the following statement in response to the latest U.S. jobless report as Congress starts a two-week recess to listen to American workers on the global economic crisis:

Today’s latest U.S. jobless report makes action by President Obama and Congress urgent to do more for America’s manufacturing workers and industry as the foundation for a true turning point in the economic crisis faced by working families.  

Passage of economic stimulus legislation and the President’s budget helps lay a strong foundation for recovery that includes national health care reform, investments in growing green jobs, addressing climate change, and essential funding for education, but much more needs to be done.

The loss of 161,000 additional jobs in manufacturing from March calls for an even greater effort to stabilize employment, restructure the auto industry and its supplier network. Our U.S. economy has shed 5.1 million jobs since December 2007, and while the official unemployment rate is now at 8.5 percent – its real number is almost double that for those who cannot find jobs.

Globally, the U.S. must seek to rebalance trade, especially with China. The London Summit of G-20 nations missed an important opportunity this week when it failed to agree to smooth out global imbalances, which have been a contributing factor to the financial and economic turmoil we have experienced since this recession began. 

We are confident in President Obama’s leadership and commitment to end the economic crisis. He must also raise his voice to continue support for the right of workers to join unions. Urgent action is required by Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act as part of the economic stimulus agenda.

I’ve called upon our active and retired members to join all workers across America during the congressional recess for a massive mobilization to impress on the nation’s political leaders that majority sign up and binding arbitration for a first contract in the Employee Free Choice Act is critical to rebuilding the middle class. The imbalance between employers and workers in America requires a new way to make us all economic stakeholders.

Our union is pleased with the new direction of the congressional leadership in putting workers first in their support of Free Choice. We also appreciate recognition that fair trade policies are needed to provide sustainable prosperity for all.

The USW cites U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who spoke on the London Summit, saying: “Officials and commentators should not conflate legitimate governmental actions with protectionism.”  He said, “Enforcement of product and safety standards based on sound science and valid safety concerns is not protectionism.”

The Senate Majority Leader further declared support for the ‘Buy America’ provision in the economic stimulus bill passed by Congress, adding: “Enforcement of trade remedy laws consistent with WTO rules is not protectionism.  Providing subsidies through direct government spending for domestic production consistent with WTO rules is not protectionism.”

We thank President Obama and the congressional leadership in advocacy for working families. And we will do our part in responding to the challenges ahead.

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