Lock Out at Marietta Plant in Pennsylvania Now Six Weeks
Contact: Tom Jones, USW; 610-213-2690’ >tjones@usw.org
Marietta, PA (Aug. 31) — Tom Jones, International Representative for the United Steelworkers (USW) in Eastern Pennsylvania, today responded to public assertions by Armstrong World Industries in the union negotiations of this past week involving 260 union workers who were locked out of their jobs at the ceiling tile factory on July 17.
Jones said: “Armstrong’s corporate spokesperson, Jennifer Johnson, was obviously uninformed in comments last week claiming union members had not yet voted on the company’s last proposal.”
He explained, “The USW Local 285-441 union members all chose not to vote on a lesser offer, after the membership voted down the first offer by a 9 to 1 margin.”
As the chair of the negotiations, Jones also said the international union does not control whether or not union members vote. “What Ms. Johnson is saying is outrageous and typical of the low level Armstrong is willing to stoop in an effort to misrepresent the position of the parties.”
He accused Armstrong of trying to manipulate its loyal employees who the company forced out of their jobs when they offered to continue work beyond the labor contract expiration.
“We don’t build great companies and consumer products in America by cutting workers’ healthcare, seniority rights and pensions. Nor do we accept false claims of a high paid public relations corporate spokesperson, who has little to contribute except what the bosses tell her to say.
“It is a shameful role to be part of a company that locks the gates on longtime workers and then hires temporary replacement workers willing to steal the union workers jobs.”
He said the union members deserve good wages and benefits to support their families and have retirement security, in exchange for skillfully making a good product.
The USW representative challenged Armstrong Industries on the labor negotiating issues at Marietta. “The USW only seeks getting the same compensation and benefits available in labor contracts at the company’s sister locations. They are publicly misrepresenting the union’s position.”
He states the USW Local 285-441 position succinctly: “We seek parity with the other Armstrong Industries tile product plants. Nothing more, nothing less, it’s a fair position in today’s tough economy.”
Jones reveals that workers at the Marietta factory want the same healthcare benefit program as provided by Armstrong Industries for active and retired employees at factories in Lancaster Pa., Pensacola Fla., Macon Ga., or Jackson Mi.
“The union members built this company’s success as a recognized name in building products, and so did the locked out Local 285-441 workers at Marietta. Armstrong wants them to be second class citizens while the top executives of Armstrong Industries take millions in salaries.”
Armstrong Industries CEO Matt Espe is reported to have received $10 million plus last year for six months employment.
“It would take the average worker at Marietta 212 years earn what CEO Espe received in 6 months,” Jones said.
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