USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
CONTACT: Tony Montana (412) 562-2592
PITTSBURGH – The United Steelworkers (USW) International President Leo W. Gerard issued the statement below today:
“With the heaviest of hearts, I offer my condolences on behalf of the 1.2 million USW members and retirees to those families suffering as a result of the Upper Big Branch mine explosion. We add our voices to the growing chorus of workers in support of our brothers and sisters in the United Mineworkers of America (UMWA) and all workers while we fight to make our workplaces safer for everyone.
“Our hopes and prayers now lie with the rescue crews and other emergency response personnel and for the success of their selfless efforts. We have seen far too many tragedies in mines, refineries and other workplaces all over the world – both union and non-union. Every worker killed or made sick on the job is one too many.
The USW (on the web at represents workers in a wide variety of workplaces, including manufacturing steel and other metals, rubber, glass, paper and chemicals, refining oil, as well as in the health care industry and in the public sector.
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