CONTACT: Connie Mabin, USW, 412-562-2616
WHO: United Steelworkers (USW)
WHAT: Will urge members of the Pittsburgh City Council to pass a resolution supporting the use of our tax dollars on U.S.-made products and services (Buy American)
WHEN: Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 10 a.m.
WHERE: Pittsburgh City-County Building
414 Grant St., 5th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA
Members of the United Steelworkers will testify about the importance of “Buy America” enforcement when using dollars from the federal economic renewal bill signed by President Obama. The USW will discuss how these provisions can create and retain good-paying jobs in the United States. To date, the union worked to help get the resolution introduced in more than 500 cities, towns, boroughs, counties and states nationwide.
For more information about the USW’s economic renewal campaign, including a video about the Buy American resolution efforts, visit or
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