USW Women of Steel Ask Lawmakers to Protect Honduran Women Brutalized by Coup Regime

Contacts:  Leeann Anderson (412) 562-2282
               Ann Flener (412) 999-0541
               Dan Kovalik (412) 335-6442

(Pittsburgh) — Members of the United Steelworkers (USW) Women of Steel organization today sought immediate action by the U.S. Department of State to protect Honduran woman who have been brutalized by officials of the coup regime.

The organization asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to intervene for Honduran women in the resistance who are being threatened by acts of sexual and physical violence. The Woman of Steel activists also sent copies of the letter to two dozen U.S. Senators and other government officials the organization hopes can end the violence documented by the group Feministas de Honduras en Resistencia.

To view letter: click here.

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