USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Workers Uniting shares the global reaction of horror and anger at the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh on April 24 which killed more than 700 workers – with nearly 1,000 still unaccounted for. This is only the latest in a series of fatal industrial ‘accidents’ in the global garment industry.
The reports and worker testimonies we have received from the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights starkly demonstrate the suffering of the survivors and the callousness of many global apparel brands that have sought to distance themselves from the disaster.
Let’s be clear. The companies that flocked to Bangladesh in search of the world’s cheapest labour bear responsibility for this tragedy. The impunity of the multinational apparel brands and government officials and the violation of Bangladeshi workers’ rights must end NOW.
Workers Uniting is the new international union created by Unite the Union – the biggest union in the UK and Republic of Ireland – and the United Steelworkers – the biggest private sector union in the US and Canada.
We represent 3 million members protecting jobs, pay and benefits in the face of the ever increasing power of multinational companies.
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