USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Fast-track would let any president push “free trade” pacts through Congress on single up-or-down votes with no changes and no requirements for enforceable worker rights. Obama wants fast-track so he can push through three pacts Froman is negotiating now: One with 12 nations around the Pacific Rim, one with the European Union and a third on trade in services, including government services (see separate fast track story).
But the 7-year-old free trade pact that covers Guatemala and other Central American nations includes some worker rights protections, Froman and Deputy Labor Secretary Christopher Lu all said. Guatemala is violating an enforcement plan it signed 18 months ago, Froman said. He added the legal case shows the administration is serious about protecting worker rights. It’s the first-ever U.S. case involving worker rights filed against a trading partner.
“Our goal in taking action today remains the same as it has always been: To ensure that Guatemala implements the labor protections to which its workers are entitled,” Froman told the press conference. The suit “is a means toward that goal, not an end in itself,” he added.
“We remain hopeful that Guatemala can succeed in producing concrete improvements for workers on the ground, which would send a positive signal to the world that would help attract investment, expand economic activity, and promote inclusive growth.”
One concrete measure Guatemalan lawmakers are working on would strengthen penalties against employers who break that nation’s labor laws, he added. Froman said the U.S., concurrent with the suit, is still committed to helping Guatemala protect workers’ rights.
“Six years ago, the AFL-CIO, together with Guatemalan unions, filed a petition concern-ing widespread and serious labor rights violations in Guatemala, including numerous murders of trade unionists not being addressed or investigated by the government,” Trumka said.
“Since the filing, Guatemala has repeatedly made promises to protect and respect labor rights, but has consistently failed to act. This is why we applaud” the Obama administration’s filing and demand that arbitration about the abuses resume, he told the press conference.
“When CAFTA was signed, both parties promised to enforce their own labor laws and respect international labor standards, so increased trade and investment would lead to better jobs and economic opportunities. This has not been the reality for Guatemala’s workers.
“Since 2007, over 70 Guatemalan unionists have been murdered for exercising their fundamental rights, while many more have been fired. We cannot remain silent over the ongoing abuses of worker rights and the violence against trade unionists,” Trumka said.
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