Bridgestone Master Bargaining Update July 29, 2022
Click here to download a printable PDF version of this update.
Brothers, Sisters, Siblings:
We have just reached a tentative agreement with Bridgestone and it has been approved by your Policy Committee for submission to the membership for your consideration for ratification.
Your local union will advise you of the schedule of informational meetings and provide a summary of the agreement as soon as possible.
You should report to work as you are normally scheduled.
Your strength and unity have made this agreement possible and the Union believes we have made solid breakthroughs and significant gains.
Your Policy Committee,
Jack Rocco President, Local 7L |
Mike Tucker President, Local 787L |
Alvin Turner President, Local 884L |
Tim Linn President, Local 310L |
Emily Brannon Policy, Local 310L |
Jon Wright President, Local 1055L |
Clyde Cunningham Policy, Local 1055L