USW 2014 Convention: John Horgan
John Horgan, leader of the British Colombian NDP, gives an empowering address to the delegates of the 2014 USW Constitutional Convention.
John Horgan, leader of the British Colombian NDP, gives an empowering address to the delegates of the 2014 USW Constitutional Convention.
Buckle up! AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka delivers a powerful message to the delegates at the 2014 USW International Convention.
USW 2014 Convention: Fred Azcarate
USW 2014 Convention: Nikki Aston
This 2014 Convention video makes a strong but simple point about bad trade laws that allow our jobs to be shipped overseas with no remedy until the damage is done: enough is enough!
The president of the CNQ/CUT in Brazil, Lucineide Varjao, addresses the delegates at the 2014 USW International Convention.