Trabajadores inmigrantes y Covid-19

Este día de mayo, el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores, recordamos el horrible impacto de la pandemia actual, con millones sufriendo bajas y despidos, y decenas de miles muriendo como resultado de una infección. Demasiados trabajadores de la salud y otras personas que realizan trabajos esenciales corren el riesgo de infección todos los días por falta de EPP y otras precauciones de seguridad importantes. Únase a Guillermo Pérez, del Departamento de Educación del USW, con dos de los principales defensores del movimiento laboral por la salud y el bienestar de los trabajadores inmigrantes: Yanira Merino, Presidenta Nacional del Consejo Laboral para el Avance Latinoamericano (LCLAA), y Alvina Yeh, Directora Ejecutiva del Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), ya que informan sobre la lucha en curso por los derechos de los inmigrantes en medio de esta pandemia.

USW Live: May Day, Immigrant Workers and COVID-19

This May Day – International Workers Day – we’re reminded of the horrible impact of the current pandemic, with millions suffering furloughs and layoffs, and tens of thousands dying as a result of infection. Too many healthcare workers and others doing essential work are risking infection every day for lack of PPE and other important safety precautions. Join USW Education Department’s Guillermo Perez with two of the labor movement’s leading advocates for the health and well-being of immigrant workers – Yanira Merino, National President of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), and Alvina Yeh, Executive Director of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), as they report on the on-going fight for immigrant rights in midst of this pandemic.


The horrible impact of the current pandemic is being felt across the country, with millions suffering furloughs and layoffs, and tens of thousands dying as a result of infection. Too many healthcare workers and others doing essential work are risking infection every day for lack of protective personal equipment and other important safety precautions. With so many working families enduring so much hardship, it’s challenging to even focus momentarily on one particular group, but with the disproportionate number of COVID-related fatalities occurring among people of color, the USW is taking time this week to look at one category of workers being especially hard hit – immigrant workers, and in particular, undocumented immigrant workers.